10 basic principles to improve your primary TKA (EN)


This book is based on the more then 15 years of experience with training and education at Stolzalpen training centre in Austria. During the last 15 years these Instructional Knee Courses had been exported to 18 other countries in Europe, Middle East and Russia. More than 5000 surgeons had been attending one of the Instructional Courses at Stolzalpe Centre or in their home countries on Unicondylar, Primary, difficult Primary and Revision TKA.


The authors of this e-book wish you a successful update or refreshing of your knowledge, find out some new ideas, tips and tricks and finally have some fun with this new format of training and education.



S. Hofmann, A. Baldini, S. Parratte


This book is based on the more then 15 years of experience with training and education at Stolzalpen training centre in Austria. During the last 15 years these Instructional Knee Courses had been exported to 18 other countries in Europe, Middle East and Russia. More than 5000 surgeons had been attending one of the Instructional Courses at Stolzalpe Centre or in their home countries on Unicondylar, Primary, difficult Primary and Revision TKA.

In the Instructional Courses on primary TKA the focus is on basic principles as well as tips and tricks, which might help the surgeon in his daily practice. We always separate between principles (written
in stone, proofed over decades and with evidence in the literature) and philosophies. For example, replacing the patella or not is a philosophy, but how to make the patella tracking perfect is based on basic principles.

This e-book describes the 10 basic principles to make your primary TKA better. The practical recommendations are based on the current literature and the experiences of the authors. This is not a conventional book with standard content and pictures. The text is kept to a minimum and the main messages are based on key words only. If the reader wants to go into more details he might use the reference list at the end of each principle. These selected references are chosen from a database of more then 4000 original papers, which had been reviewed for this book.

The e-book comes with an App, which runs on most of the tablets. An interesting online feature are the direct links from the literature citation in the text to the abstract and article on medline as well as the possibility to show figures, animations and videos full screen by a simple click only.

The interaction of the original Instructional Courses with small group discussions, case challenges, tips and tricks as well as the live surgeries are difficult to be integrated in a book. Nevertheless, the authors tried their best by using more than 200 figures and tables, 30 video clips, animations and tables to make the book as illustrative as possible. Finally, at the end of the book will be some full case live video presentations in a short and didactical format.

Your feedback on the didactical format or content of the book is more than welcomed. The authors are willing and interested on a regular update of the book including your feedback to further improve the book.

The authors of this e-book wish you a successful update or refreshing of your knowledge, find out some new ideas, tips and tricks and finally have some fun with this new format of training and education.